45 Life Lessons in 45 Years

I remember when I thought 45 years was old; now not so much. It took me 45 years to learn these very valuable life lessons:

1 - Life isn't always fair. Get over it.
2 - The failure to 'get over it' effects all other things for the rest of your life.
3 - Not everyone is well intended and not everyone is your friend.
4 - You have the right to be choosy about who you spend time with; who you call 'friend'. In fact you  owe it to yourself.
5 - Your weight does not define you... consider this advice from someone who's been dieting for 35 years.

6 - Boundaries are important -- VERY important.
7 - Doing things that scare you are often the things that bring you great joy.
8 - Not to sound cliche, but "Don't sweat the small stuff" I mean really don't.. because it's small stuff and no one actually cares.
9 - "Your 40's is the best time of your life ever" crap is actually true.
10- Who cares if your kids keep a clean room, it's their room. (If there is noxious odours or mold growing outside the door frame then yeah.. maybe).
11- Pizza and Wine on a Friday night is  your god-given right.

12- Buy clothes that fit you.
13- Never go to bed mad and ALWAYS say "I love you"; it might be your last chance.
14- Be yourself - ALWAYS. If someone doesn't like who you are as 'yourself' then they are NOT your people.
15- Not everyone will like you.. and like who actually cares?
16- Leave work at work.
17- Don't take everything so personally (still a hard one for me!).
18- Moisturize your neck and collarbone area.. seriously do it.
19- You don't have to be ONE thing. Be as many damn things as you like.
20- Buy sensible shoes - Bunions are real and they are not fun.

21- It's OK to say NO and leave it at no without any other explanation.
22- It's OK to not know what your purpose in life is or what you want out of life... even at 45.
23- Admit when you are wrong.
24- It is OK to let the dishes sit... especially if you have something better to do.
25- Don't judge a single soul until you've listened to their story.

26- Embrace who you are 100%... even your chin hairs.. (pesky things).
27- Friends are important - don't forget them along the way.
28- Be kind to your ex, especially if you have children together. No one said you had to be best friends but a little kindness goes a long way. (Yes even if they are horrible people who did horrible things)
29- Keep your expectations low. The higher our expectations the greater our disappointments.
30- Sometimes it IS your fault.
31- I don't know one person without at least ONE small mental health issue - time to drop the stigma.
32- Sleep is very important.
33- Spend your day on nothing but yourself... meditate... read.. dye your hair.. everything else can wait.
34- Embrace vulnerability - be the one who loves the most even if this scares you.
35- DEVELOP your photos!!
36- Go out into nature whenever you get the chance (unless its -20 then curl up in your sweats with a good book).

37- Stop always being on call - turn your phone off.
38- You should never stop learning.. like ever.
39- We are not guaranteed tomorrow. #Truestory.
40- Money doesn't make someone smarter.
41- Most of our angry bits come from fear.
42- Everyone has an opinion.... EVERYONE... it doesn't matter.
43- Leadership is not about being the Boss.
44 - You are the most beautiful when you are your authentic and genuine self.
45 - Not everyone will agree with these 45 things.. and that is a-OK because they're completely free to write their own list with 45 things!


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